Maintenance & Training

3D Bonum partners together with our well trained technical engineers are able to provide required support to install, operate and maintain 3D printers and scanners.

Our technical engineers continuously develop their knowledge and together with our partners are ready to ensure required support for:


  • Installation and start-up of new 3D printers and scanners.
  • Preventive maintenance of your 3D printers and scanners (maintenance programs preparation and implementation).
  • Breakdowns elimination.

Training of operators and engineers to build their capabilities to

  • Operate 3D printers and scanners.
  • Perform first line trouble shooting.
  • Execute autonomous maintenance tasks.

Spare parts

Our partners have developed reliable equipment, however due to normal wear or breakdowns some replacement parts and modules will be required. We’re helping to prepare spare parts management strategy and ensure fast and reliable replacement parts delivery based on your needs.

Get in 
Touch with us 

We would help to identify opportunities for the potential 3D printing and scanning solutions applications and show what savings (cost, time, safety, quality and etc.) can be generated by using these technologies. Fill the contact form and our experts team will contact you as soon as posible.